Some of the home remedies for an addiction to alcohol include the consumption of grapes, bitter gourd, apples, celery, dates, almonds, evening primrose, ginseng, milk thistle, dandelion, skullcap, licorice roots, fruit juices, and a balanced diet. These home remedies have proven to be useful in many cases all over the world.

Home remedies for Addiction to Alcohol

Grapes :
Grapes are one of the most popular and effective home remedies for controlling alcoholic addiction. Whenever you feel like having a drink of alcohol, drink a glass of grape juice or eat a few grapes instead. Since grapes contain the purest form of an alcohol-making agent in them, they serve as a great alternative for alcoholics. Grapes are rich in potassium, which helps to maintain an alkaline blood balance, along with stimulating the kidneys. Grapes have astonishing cleansing power in removing toxins from the liver and they are said to reduce the chances of cancer.

Bitter Gourd :
Drink some bitter gourd juice mixed with buttermilk every morning to curb addiction. The juice obtained from the leaves of bitter gourd are a good cure for alcohol addiction. In addition, bitter gourd juice has the capacity to repair damaged liver cells.

Apples :
Apples have been an age old remedy to cure addiction. Apples not only remove the toxins caused due to alcohol consumption, but also reduce the urge to consume hard alcohol.

Celery :
Celery is an excellent home remedy against addiction, because the juice obtained from celery makes alcoholics sober. It must be mixed with water and consumed daily for over a month for best results.

Dates : Dates are easily accessible and are quite effective in curing alcoholic addiction. Rubbed dates in water consumed daily can significantly improve the addiction symptoms of people suffering from this disorder.

Salami : Eat a salami and butter sandwich on ciabatta bread, which will absorb a significant amount of alcohol from the body.

Raw Almonds :
These are useful in reducing an addiction to alcohol.

Evening Primrose :
Many herbs, such as evening primrose, are time-tested home remedies to prevent addiction. The oil extracted from the seeds of evening primrose can greatly reduce the cravings for alcohol.

Ginseng :
Both American and Asian ginseng can easily break down the alcohol in your body and flush out the toxins. Research studies have also proved that Ginseng can reduce the rate of alcohol absorption in your stomach.

Milk Thistle :
This herb is an excellent home remedy for treating liver diseases caused by alcoholism. This herb enhances liver functions, along with repairing the damage caused to the liver. More popular as a liver tonic, milk thistle has the active ingredient of silymarin, which can repair the damage caused by alcohol or drug addiction, hepatitis, and other toxins.

Dandelion :
This is another popular home remedy for alcoholism, which enables you to reduce the ill effects of alcoholism, along with rejuvenating the liver tissues. Dandelion also facilities the normal production of bile and stimulates its flow. It contains the polysaccharide insulin, which enhances the body’s immunity and the production of white blood cells.

Skullcap :
This herb is commonly used to manage the ithdrawal symptoms of alcoholism.

Licorice Root :
This is a powerful antioxidant and antibody stimulator, which improves the overall functioning of the respiratory and liver functions. It is used as an effective home remedy in fighting alcoholic addiction. Licorice root is regarded as an important herb for treating kidney ailments and is also recommended for the liver and respiratory tract. Licorice root’s antioxidant, antiviral, and antibody-stimulating properties make it a liver protector and a detoxifier.

Fruit Juices :
Include lots of fruit juice in your diet, because it can control the craving for consuming hard alcohol.

Balanced Diet :
A balanced diet, which encompasses all essential nutrients from vegetables, cereals, whole grains, nuts, and sprouts, among others, is beneficial. Avoid eating too much white flour, strong condiments, meat, and sugar.

Diet for Alcoholism

There is no diet for alcoholism that can help to cure the dependence or reverse the damage caused. Modifications to your diet can however help to reduce the risk of damage. Alcohol abuse poses a particular risk to the liver, with liver cirrhosis and cancer of the liver being prevalent among alcoholics. A healthy diet will not help to correct the damage to the liver, as this is for the most part irreversible, but it can help to restrict the damage and possibly delay or prevent the onset of cirrhosis. A healthy diet will also help to strengthen your body and protect it to a small extent against other health conditions that may be brought on by alcohol abuse.

  • Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Fruits like peaches, oranges, kiwi fruit and carrots, and green leafy vegetables offer a healthy intake of vitamin C and E and are rich in antioxidants. This can help restrict damage to some extent.
  • Include some lean meats like skinless chicken and turkey or fish in your diet for a healthy protein intake. Soybeans and lentils are good sources of protein for vegetarians.
  • Essential fatty acids are also important nutrients for an alcoholic, so it may help to include oily fish like salmon or mackerels in your diet.
  • Make it a point to consume whole grain foods like brown rice, oats and whole wheat pasta as this will help regulate blood glucose levels and counter the risk of type 2 diabetes.
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