Depression is a state of the mind, body and thoughts which together work towards negativity. It is not a disease but an illness wherein a person is not able to do normal things. Due to the depressed state of mind, a person can find the daily chores to be very taxing and is unable to do them. In this state of mind, a person is unhappy and suffers emotionally and mentally rather than physically. Depression may be caused due to mental stress or due to high intake of antibiotics. At times, anxiety may also be the cause of depression. For some people, depression can also be because of the monotonous life. One’s own effort to fight depression when complemented with some home remedies work very well in curing depression. Read onto know how to treat depression using natural remedies.

Home Remedies for Depression


  • One of the simplest and effective home remedy for treating depression is to add rose petals in a glass of boiling water. Add sugar to the drink and have it.
  • Mix 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg powder with 1 tablespoon of freshly extracted amla juice. Consume this mixture thrice a day.
  • Licorice tea also works well for depressed minds. Take 1-3 cups of tea per day to get rid of depression.
  • The plant, Griffonia simplicifolia, gives a substance 5HTP which is extracted from the seedpods of the plant. Intake of this would relieve a person from depression.
  • Another remedy for curing depression is to have an apple with milk and honey.
  • This might surprise you but a neutral immersion bath for about an hour would do wonders in curing a person off depression and uplift his/her mood.
  • Dry the root of asparagus and make a powder of it. Daily one or two grams of intake of this powder would heal a person’s mind from depression.
  • Make a tea and add 1/4-teaspoon basil and 1/2 teaspoon of sage per cup of hot water. Consuming this mixture two times a day would be helpful in relieving a person from depression.
  • Boil a cup of hot water. Add powdered seeds of 2 green cardamoms and sugar. Drink this when warm. It would help in treating depression.
  • Diet is also an important concern for treating depression. Having a well balanced nutritional food is very essential. Eat a lot of nuts, cheese, apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, pumpkin seeds, carrot juice, apple juice, 5-6 plums, ruta leaves mixed with cumin.
  • In 1 cup of rice milk or soy milk, cook 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal. Add nuts, almonds, dried fruits, maple syrup or honey to it. this would be effective in curing depression.
  • Another method would be to stir a tsp of lavender leaves in a cup of boiling water. Have it when warm 3 times a day.
  • Yet another natural way to cure depressed mind is to soak feet in a tub with hot water with rosemary leaves, chlorine and some soap added to it. Do this for about 20 minutes and then rub your feet.


Diet for Depression

Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphin are responsible for regulating moods and behavior. The body is able to produce these neurotransmitters because of certain nutrients like protein, fatty acids and carbohydrates. Since these nutrients come from the food we consume, it is important to pay attention to your diet. Eating the right foods can help to prevent nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances. This, in turn, helps to prevent or reduce mood changes and emotional disturbances, where dietary deficiencies may have been contributing factors. Here are some tips on what to eat to prevent depression :

  • The importance of eating a healthy breakfast cannot be stressed enough. It helps to maintain your blood sugar levels and thus keeps your moods stable. Oats make a good breakfast food because they help to combat stress and also keep your cholesterol levels in check.
  • Don’t drastically reduce fat from your diet. Some amount of fat is necessary for proper functioning. Try to ensure an intake of healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids which are found in foods such as nuts, fatty fish and seeds.
  • Add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet as these will supply your body with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Foods such as lean turkey, chicken and milk are high in tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the release of serotonin. Serotonin enhances mood.
  • Restrict your intake of caffeinated beverages and alcohol. Some studies have indicated a link between excessive coffee consumption and depression. Alcohol affects mood and can also interfere with sleep.
  • Avoid following restrictive or crash diets that eliminate an entire food group. These can considerably affect your normal body rhythm and may lead to hormonal imbalances.
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