Varicose veins are abnormally enlarged veins that appear close to the skin’s surface. They occur usually in the calves and thighs and is the result of malfunctioning valves inside the veins as prolonged pressure or obstruction of the veins. There many home remedies varicose veins in our site, please check them out.

Varicose veins can develop in people from standing or sitting for long periods of time, poor exercise, pregnancy, excessive weight, prolonged constipation, people who habitually sit with their legs crossed. Also heavy lifting put increased pressure on legs increasing the likelihood of developing varicose veins. Support stockings and socks can help to treat and prevent varicose veins.Heart failure, liver disease, and abdominal tumors can contribute in the formation of varicose veins. Heredity is also a factor for many individuals. A deficiency of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids can weaken the collagen structure in the vein walls, which can lead to varicose veins.

Varicose veins are very common and affect approximately 10% of the population. More women than men are affected. In some cases if varicose veins are not treated properly, some complications can emerge. The characteristics more common are: swelling, restlessness, leg sores, itching, leg cramps, feeling ofheaviness in the legs and fatigue.

Home Remedies Varicose Veins

  1. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet also has to be low in fat and carbohydrates.
  2. Eat as many blackberries and cherries as you can. They help to prevent varicose veins, and if you have them they may ease the symptoms.
  3. Including ginger, onions, garlic and pineapple in your diet is beneficial.
  4. Your diet has to be high in fiber to prevent constipation and keep the bowels clean.
  5. Avoid as much as possible sugar, ice cream, fried foods, peanuts, junk foods, cheeses, tobacco, salt, alcohol, animal protein, and processed and refined foods.
  6. Do a daily routine of exercise. Walking, swimming and bicycling all promote good circulation. It is very important that in complement maintain a healthy weight.
  7. Do not wear tight clothes because they restrict blood flow. The only exception is when wearing medical compression stockings from reputable manufacturers.
  8. At least once a day elevate your legs above the heart level for 20′ to alleviate symptoms.
  9. Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, crossing your legs doing heavy lifting and putting any unnecessary pressure on your legs.
  10. If you at work are sitting on a desk all day, make sure you take breaks to walk around. you can also flex your muscles and wiggle your toes to increase blood flow. If it is possible try to rest your feet on an object that is elevated from the floor when seated.
  11. If you at work have to stand for long period of time, shift your weight between your feet, stand on your toes, or take breaks to walk around to alleviate pressure.
  12. Elevate your feet at all moment at home while watching TV or sitting down to read.
  13. To ease pain and stimulate circulation, fill a tub with cold water and simulate waking.
  14. Avoid scratching the itchy skin above varicose veins. This can cause ulceration and bleeding.
  15. After bathing apply Castor oil over the varicose veins affected and massage into your legs from the the feet.

Diet for Varicose Veins :

The influence of your diet on your health can never be understated. Many people claim to have found relief from the condition, with the help of varicose veins diet therapy. Avoid going on any restrictive or rigorous diet plan. Instead consult with your doctor and a nutritionist to formulate a balanced and wholesome diet plan. This said there are some foods that should be consumed in greater quantities because of their beneficial effects, while the intake of certain other foods should be reduced. Given below are some foods that are a part of the varicose veins diet prevention therapy:

  • Foods high in B-Complex Vitamins, like unprocessed brown rice, barley and wheat. Concentrated meat varieties like tuna, liver and turkey are also quite high in the vitamin. Some of the other foods that are excellent sources of Vitamin B include brewer’s yeast, beans, chili pepper, bananas, molasses, nutritional yeast, tempeh, lentils and potatoes.
  • Vitamin C rich sources of food, like peppermint, watermelon, pineapples, asparagus, zucchini, limes, oranges, snow peas, spinach, chard Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, strawberries, kale, broccoli, parsley, fennel, lettuce, celery, raspberries, tomatoes, grapefruit, cantaloupe, kiwifruit, cabbage, papaya, turnip greens, strawberries, kale and broccoli.
  • Beta carotene or vitamin A high source of food, like carrots, pink grapefruit, water squash, pumpkin, eggs, yogurt, chicken liver, beef, green leafy veggies, cottage cheese, milk, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe.
  • Varieties of food, high in Vitamin E, like leafy greens, milk, nuts, eggs, avocado and asparagus.
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