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Latin name : Papaver rhoeas Sanskrit/Indian name : Rakta-posta, Rakta Khakasa Urdu name : khash-khash General information : Corn Poppy or Red Poppy is a symbol of Remembrance Day, a memorial day observed in the Commonwealth countries to pay homage to the soldiers who died in duty during the First World War. It is a symbol of eternal love in Persian literature. Corn Poppy contains alkaloids similar to that of Opium Poppy, but in a much milder form. Its health benefits include relieving anxiety and stress, suppressing cough and relieving pain. In skincare ingredients, Corn Poppy acts as an…

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Latin name : Coriandrum sativum Linn. (Apiaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Dhankyaka Urdu Name : Dhania, Kishniz General information : Coriander is an aromatic plant, which is used to flavor food. The entire plant, including its leaves, stem and seeds, have a distinct odor. In the United States and Europe, Coriander is used to flavor alcohol, especially gin. The plant has various health benefits of the plant. Its therapeutic properties are beneficial in treating diarrhea, cholesterol, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion and menstrual disorders. Coriander is also a disinfectant and skin detoxifier. Therapeutic constituents : Coriander contains essential oils like borneol…

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Latin name : Olea europaea Sanskrit/Indian name : Jaitun Urdu Name : Zaitoon General information : Olives are found in abundance in the Mediterranean. Due to its inherent bitter taste, special processing is required before eating. The fruit’s essential oil is extremely beneficial to eliminate joint sores, which can result in rheumatism and arthritis. The oil is also a mild demulcent, which forms a mild film over the mucus membrane. It is applied externally to treat wounds and minor burns and for psoriasis. Due to its rich vitamin E content, Olives are popular ingredients in skincare products. Therapeutic constituents…

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Latin name : Common Sesban (Merrill.) (Papilionacae), S. aegyptiaca (Pers) Sanskrit/Indian name : Jayantika, Jayan General information : Common Sesban is documented in Arabian and Persian literature as a potent astringent. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is used for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In the form of an ointment, it relieves itching and is used to treat skin eruptions. Therapeutic constituents : The compounds ampesterol, cholesterol and beta-sitosterol have been extracted from the leaf and pod. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of Common Sesban are attributed to the seeds of the plant. Key therapeutic benefits : Common Sesban removes…

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Latin name : Malva sylvestris (Linn.) (Malvaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Gul-khair, Kunzi, Vilayatiikangai Urdu Name : Khubbazi General information : The German Commission E has recommended the use of Country Mallow to alleviate irritation of the throat mucosa and dry cough. The herb is indexed in both the Swiss and French herbal pharmacopeia. The herb is also known as a central nervous system depressant, relieving anxiety and nervousness. Therapeutic constituents : The volatile oil obtained from the leaves, roots and seeds has antibacterial and antifungal properties. The main chemical constituents are ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phytosterol, potassium nitrate and alkaloids, which…

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Latin name : Cassia occidentalis (Linn.) (Caesalpiniaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Kasamarda, Arimarda, Kasari, Badikasondi, Chakunda, Kasonda Urdu name : Kasonji General information : Coffee Senna seeds are attributed with blood purifying and diuretic properties. The herb has been traditionally used to normalize bowel movements. It is a related species of Senna, a much stronger purgative. The seeds are also beneficial in treating whooping cough, convulsions and heart disease. Despite its name, which comes from its occasional use as a coffee substitute, Coffee Senna is absolutely unrelated to coffee! Therapeutic constituents : The volatile oil obtained from the leaves, roots…

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Latin name : Cocos nucifera (Linn.) (Arecaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Narikela Urdu Name : Nariyal General information : Coconut is a fruit found in tropical climates. Because if its distinct flavor and aroma, it is used in many culinary preparations. The fruit is rich in proteins and eliminates intestinal parasites, while Coconut water is helpful in treating kidney and urinary bladder disorders. The essential oil extracted from the fruit is beneficial in healing superficial wounds and cuts. Therapeutic constituents : Octanoic acid, which has antifungal properties, is one of the major active constituents of Coconut. It also contains vitamins…

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Latin name : Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) (Merrill. & Perry.) (Myrtaceae), Caryophyllus aromaticus (Linn.), Eugenia caryophyllata (Thunb.), E. aromatica (Kuntze.) Sanskrit/Indian name : Lavangaha, Laung Urdu Name : Qaranfal, Laung General information : Cloves originated from Moluccas, Indonesia, arriving in Asia more than 2,000 years ago. The herb has been used as a mouth freshener for centuries, although it was first and foremost used to flavor food. Today, Zanzibar in East Africa is the leading producer of cloves. Cloves are known for their rich medicinal value. An herbal concoction featuring the herb has been effective in treating hangovers. Topical application…

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Latin name : Pinus roxburghii, P. longifolia Sanskrit/Indian name : Sarala, Shrivasa Urdu Name : Behroza General information : The Turpentine Oil obtained from Chir Pine is valued in medicine as a rubefacient in various rheumatic ailments, such as lumbago, arthritis and neuralgia. The oil is also a key ingredient in many ointments, liniments and lotions for treating minor aches and pains and colds when applied externally on the chest and throat. Therapeutic constituents : The essential oil from the plant contains the principal compounds alpha- and beta-pinene, carene and longifoline, which render the herb its therapeutic properties. Key…

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Latin name : Strychnous nux vomica Linn. (Loganiaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Kirata, Chirayita Urdu Name : Chiraita Talkh General information : Found in abundance in the foothills of the Himalayas, Chiretta is a medicinal plant extensively indexed in Indian, British and American pharmacopeia. The herb is used in Ayurvedic medicine as an appetite stimulant and to aid digestion. It is also used to expel stomach worms and stop vomiting. The herb is an effective remedy for diabetes. Therapeutic constituents : The plant serves as a bitter tonic, possessing two main bitter constituents: ophelic acid and chiratin, which stimulate gastric…

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